
Banana leaves from Orosháza

Banana leaves from Orosháza

Banana leaves are a brioche-like pastry, that are named after their shape, and contrary to their name they don't contain banana. It's made from a...

Apple soup

Apple soup

The recipe of this apple soup has come down to us from my maternal great-grandmother. The apple is in pleasant harmony with the carrot and parsley...

Stuffed pork flank

Stuffed pork flank

Pork flank is not often used in the kitchen, although if you want to grill or make some stuffed dish, it is a good choice since it doesn't become...

Somló Trifle – Somlói galuska

Somló Trifle – Somlói galuska

Somló trifle or somlói galuska is one of the most famous desserts of the Hungarian confectionery. Two legends are linked with its name; according to...



Beside bakery crescent zsemle or Hungarian bun is the other  fundamental bakery product in Hungary.  However, finding good zsemle in the...

Kohlrabi soup

Kohlrabi soup

Kohlrabi is a cultivar of cabbage, grown throughout the whole year. It can be eaten raw as well as cooked. It contains vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2 and...

Salty crescents – Sós kifli

Salty crescents – Sós kifli

In Hungary most people choose some kind of bakery product for breakfast, salty crescents or sós kifli are among the most popular ones. Salty...

Homemade vegetable seasoning blend

Homemade vegetable seasoning blend

I only know a few things that divide people more than food seasonings and bouillon cubes. They are said to add flavour to dishes by enriching the...

Körözött – Hungarian cheese spread

Körözött – Hungarian cheese spread

The main ingredient of körözött was originally Liptauer or liptói túró, a sheep-milk based cheese. Liptó was a county of Hungary until the end of...

Tokány with pickled cucumbers

Tokány with pickled cucumbers

The easiest and at the same time the most difficult thing in making tokány is that you can cook it as you like it. There are so many variants known...

Chicken csorba soup

Chicken csorba soup

Csorba soup is an emblematic meal of the Transylvanian cuisine. There are many different csorba recipes, so you can make experiments to find the...

Eggy dumplings – Tojásos nokedli

Eggy dumplings – Tojásos nokedli

Here in Hungary we have some "national" dishes, which make us sentimental when we think of them, but foreigners usually react with raised eyebrows...

Homemade tomato sauce alias ketchup

Homemade tomato sauce alias ketchup

To tell you the truth, I steer clear of store-bought ketchup because I haven't managed to make me familiar with its artificial taste. Sure, making...

Variations on cucumber salad

Variations on cucumber salad

Cucumber salad is the most popular salad in Hungary. Half of the Hungarians prefer the cucumber salad with sour cream, the other half swear by the...



Lecsó looks faintly like the French ratatouille, however, the main ingredients of this typical Hungarian summer one-course meal are pepper, tomato...

Explore Hungary

From the scenic landscapes to the cultural hotspots

Hungarian cottage cheese

This is what Hungarian túró looks like

You often ask me what kind of cottage cheese (or curd cheese or farmer's cheese - call it what you want) I use in the recipes. In Hungary the store-bought cottage cheese is dry and crumbly as you can see in the picture. So if a recipe calls for túró, I mean this type. If you can't obtain túró, you can try to make your own from whole milk. Click on the link below.

Metric system vs cup

In Hungary metric units are in use, all the recipes on this website are based on this system, so a kitchen scale is necessary. Since I’m not familiar with cup as a measurement unit, I convert grams to cups by using an online converter. The values in brackets, therefore, are only approximate volumes, so, please, double-check them before you start cooking.