Looking for a hearty, comforting dish that’s packed with flavor? This garlic pork loin with potato dumplings is the perfect choice. Tender pork loin...
Looking for a hearty, comforting dish that’s packed with flavor? This garlic pork loin with potato dumplings is the perfect choice. Tender pork loin...
Pázmándi dumpling goulash is a hearty dish similar to the classic goulash soup, but it differs in several ingredients. It is made with pork,...
Hernyéki gombóc is an old Hungarian dish, which includes potato dumplings served in mushroom sauce. Potato dumplings are enriched with ham and hard...
Gulka comes from Upper Hungary, which is the usual English translation of Felvidék, the Hungarian term for the area that was historically the...
This pork rib roast recipe comes from Galgahévíz, a small village in Pest county. It's a heavy meal, so in order to enjoy it, you need to have an...
Fried cabbage with noodles is an old dish of the Hungarian cuisine, which often appears on the households' dining table. The authentic version of...
Hungarian nudli is a kind of potato dumplings, similar to the Italian gnocchi. It's made of a light potato dough (it's actually the same dough used...
This veal ragout soup is so thick you can stand a spoon up in it. It originates from the Nyírség, which is the northeastern part of the Great...
Although Bryndzové halusky or sztrapacska is actually a Slovak dish, the recipe can't be omitted from my list. The Slovaks are the third largest...
You often ask me what kind of cottage cheese (or curd cheese or farmer's cheese - call it what you want) I use in the recipes. In Hungary the store-bought cottage cheese is dry and crumbly as you can see in the picture. So if a recipe calls for túró, I mean this type. If you can't obtain túró, you can try to make your own from whole milk. Click on the link below.
In Hungary metric units are in use, all the recipes on this website are based on this system, so a kitchen scale is necessary. Since I’m not familiar with cup as a measurement unit, I convert grams to cups by using an online converter. The values in brackets, therefore, are only approximate volumes, so, please, double-check them before you start cooking.