Fried cabbage with noodles is an old dish of the Hungarian cuisine, which often appears on the households’ dining table. The authentic version of káposztás tészta (this is how it’s called in Hungarian) consists of two main ingredients: square shaped noodles boiled in a large pot of salty water and grated cabbage caramelized and fried. It may sound strange, but some eat this dish sweet, sprinkling the top with sugar.
In my family we have broken with tradition and káposztás tészta is made in a different way: the fried cabbage is combined with potato dumplings, and topped with crispy bacon. Those dumplings look like nokedli, but the batter includes grated raw potatoes; it’s actually the base of the Slovak strapačky (sztrapacska). Young green cabbage is the best, but it also works with white cabbage; white cabbage needs more time to become tender.