Easter is coming, so it’s time to share the recipe of prepared horseradish. In Hungary horseradish is an inevitable part of the Easter menu, boiled ham can’t be served without this condiment. Stores offer a wide range of bottled varieties, but homemade prepared horseradish tastes fresher and more intensive, and it’s twice as strong as the store-bought versions.
Horseradish is one of those foods that people either love it or hate it. Some people can’t resist it, and some people will leave the room if it’s on the table. Horseradish is a member of the mustard family and it’s known for its pungent taste and odor. The telltale smell and aroma of horseradish comes from isothiocyanate, a volatile compound that, when oxidized by air and saliva, generates the “heat” that clears out anyone’s sinuses.
Horseradish is available year-round in most places, but harvest season is in spring. If you don’t have access to a garden plant, you can often find the roots at markets. When buying horseradish roots, choose those that are firm, not soft. Roots that appear dry or shriveled are not ideal, either.