These fried pork cutlets were inspired by Makó, a town in Csongrád-Csanád county, which is famous for its unique onions that have been grown in the region for more than one hundred years. Unfortunately, the size of the red onion growing areas around Makó has dropped to a fraction in recent years due to climate change.
There are two features, which makes this recipe interesting. One is that the pork cutlets are coated in a thick and salted pancake batter, which contains a considerable amount of sautéed onions, scallions and garlic. The other is the goulash paste (gulyáskrém) used to spread the cutlets before dipping into the batter.
Goulash paste is made from raw peppers, tomatoes, onions and aromatic spices, and it enhances various dishes, including stews, soups, meats, and vegetables, in Hungarian cuisine. If you can’t obtain goulash paste, feel free to use any pepper and tomato based paste or sauce instead.