Pear slab pie is a delicious and versatile dessert that offers a delightful twist on the traditional pie. Made with a buttery, flaky crust and...
Pear slab pie is a delicious and versatile dessert that offers a delightful twist on the traditional pie. Made with a buttery, flaky crust and...
Kálvinista mennyország, translated as Calvinist heaven, is a traditional Hungarian dessert that combines noodles (csuszatészta), cottage cheese, and...
Berliner cake is an old-school pastry, which is only avaible in a few confectioneries countrywide. One of them is the Rigó Jancsi confectionery in...
Hundred layer strudel or prekmurska gibanica - even though it's a traditional Slovenian dessert, transborder Hungarians living in Slovenia...
Sour cherry is one of the most popular fruits in our country, you can find at least one tree in almost every garden. Hungary is the second biggest...
Diós kosárka is a sort of cupcake made up of shortcrust pastry and walnut filling. These cupcakes used to be baked for weddings because they could...
It's only a few days now until Easter, and it's time to think up what to bake for the holiday. If you are in a hurry, and the thought of desserts...
The recipe of these supernal chocolate-walnut slices is more than 60 years old, my granny left it to us in her cookbook. Walnut is a popular...
Don't let yourself be deceived by the name of the biscuits, it has concern neither with the Roman Emperor nor with the CD burning software. In...
These striped disks are not only showy, but also yummy. I think shortcrust pastry is the most perfect and most delicious dough for cookies, other...
If you asked anyone in Hungary to enumerate some "vintage" things that awaken pleasant memories, chocolate-vanilla rings would be certainly...
I guess there's propably nobody who hasn't heard about linzer cookies. It's one of the oldest pastries known all around the world. In view of the...
My grandmother often baked this walnut pie, especially for holidays. This pie can be stored without refrigeration, and it was a great thing in the...
You often ask me what kind of cottage cheese (or curd cheese or farmer's cheese - call it what you want) I use in the recipes. In Hungary the store-bought cottage cheese is dry and crumbly as you can see in the picture. So if a recipe calls for túró, I mean this type. If you can't obtain túró, you can try to make your own from whole milk. Click on the link below.
In Hungary metric units are in use, all the recipes on this website are based on this system, so a kitchen scale is necessary. Since I’m not familiar with cup as a measurement unit, I convert grams to cups by using an online converter. The values in brackets, therefore, are only approximate volumes, so, please, double-check them before you start cooking.