Berliner cake is an old-school pastry, which is only avaible in a few confectioneries countrywide. One of them is the Rigó Jancsi confectionery in Buda, where Berliner cake has been dazzling the customers for decades. The top layer of Berliner cake is originally a sponge cake lattice, but in the Rigó Jancsi confectionery it has been transformed into a triple walnut dessert, since each layer of the cake contains walnuts, and instead of sponge cake it’s topped with a walnut brittle.
Although the recipe of the confectionery’s Berliner cake is not publicly available, it has been reconstructed by the staff of one of the biggest Hungarian recipe portals. The base of the cake is a shortcrust pastry, which is prebaked and spread with apricot jam. The main ingredients of the filling are ground biscuits, walnuts and cocoa. The topping of the cake consists of a thin layer of apricot jam and chopped walnut brittle.