The season of fresh dill has begun and its fans may enjoy this amazing herb in several foods: dill sauce is perfect for a light summer lunch, or you can combine dill with cottage cheese that results in a lovely dessert, or die-hard fans can make dill buns, which are loaded with a remarkable amount of dill as a filling.
Kapros dübbencs (this is the Hungarian name of these dill buns) is a regional peasant food and its homeland is Hajdú-Bihar county (Debrecen and the region around it) in the eastern part of Hungary. It was probably baked already in the 18th century, but the first written recipe only dates back to 1890.
Kapros dübbencs was one of the favourite summer foods of peasant farmers who worked hard all day. The buns contain not only finely chopped dill, but a large amount of lard too, which makes them very soft. The quantity of dill might seem to be too much, but in this case dill isn’t a spice, but a filling. Kapros dübbencs is best served right from the oven, though the buns are still tender next day provided that they are stored in an airtight container.