Advent in Hungary means not only the preparation for Christmas, but it’s also the season of pig killing. At this time of year the loud noise of gas cylinders resounds through the towns and villages, and culinary wonders are being born in the kitchens. One of those wonders, besides sausage, is hurka, which plays an important role in our everyday life.
Hurka is a kind of sausage filled in pig’s small intestines. In Hungary there are two main types of hurka: véres (blood) and májas (liver) hurka. Májas hurka is a mixture of liver, bacon, some fatty meat and rice. It may also contain heart and/or lung, and onions sautéed in lard. The main spices of hurka are salt, pepper and paprika. Marjoram is optional, if you like it, you can add it, too, to your hurka.
You don’t need to kill your own pig to make hurka at home, you just have to find a good butcher who can supply you with high quality pork parts. In our family we make hurka according to the following recipe, but please, consider it a suggestion, feel free to change the ingredients and quantities, depending on your notion and taste.