In the heart of the Balaton Uplands lies Dörgicse, a village known for its medieval church ruins and wine production. It consists of three hamlets (Felsődörgicse, Alsódörgicse and Kisdörgicse) built on separate hills 4 km north of Lake Balaton.
Accroding to the legend each hamlet had its own chicken soup recipe. They got together once a year, on the first day of school, and each of them cooked their own recipe. A jury of parish priests, notaries and teachers then tasted the soups and announced which hamlet could bear the title of “chicken kingdom” that year.
Similar to Újházy hen soup, chicken soup of Dörgicse is also a delicious and hearty dish with a lot of vegetables. According to the source the following recipe was found in Hotel Gellért in the 50’s, and it was dictated by Károly Gundel.